assemble_bands_cvip() - Assemble the red band, green band and blue band of an RGB image.
RGB = assemble_bands_cvip(X,Y,Z)
Input parameters include:
- X - Band 1 image.
- Y - Band 2 image.
- Z - Band 3 image.
Output parameters include:
- RGB - Output 3-band image.
This function assembles the elements in array X, array Y and array Z forming a 3-d array RGB. It adds the monochrome image planes to create a multispectral image. Input band arrays must be of same size in order to assemble them into one 3-band image.
1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.
% Read Image X = imread('Car.bmp'); % Calling Extract band function function R = extract_band_cvip(X,1); G = extract_band_cvip(X,2); B = extract_band_cvip(X,3); % Calling Assemble band function RGB = assemble_bands_cvip(R,G,B); % Display Input Image figure;imshow(X,[]);title('Input image'); % Display Output Image figure;imshow(RGB,[]);title('Output Image');

Author: Deependra Mishra, March 2017
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E Umbaugh
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