difference_filter_cvip() - performs convolution between an image I and a mask M..
difference = difference_filter_cvip(I,M)
Input Parameters include :
- I - Input Image.
- M - Mask Type. Can choose any mask from 1 to 8.
Output Parameter include:
- difference - output image from difference filter.
The Difference filters are linear enhancement filters which enhance the details in an image. They are linear as they can be implemented with convolution masks. Difference filters enhance the image details in a specific direction depending on the coefficients of the convolution mask selected. The function implements difference filter on the input image by convolving the image with a mask type specicfed by the user.
1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.
Read image
input_image1 = imread('cam.bmp'); input_image2 = imread('butterfly.tif'); % Mask type mask_type1 = 3; mask_type2 = 5; % Call function difference1 = difference_filter_cvip(input_image1 ,mask_type1); difference2 = difference_filter_cvip(input_image2 ,mask_type2); % Display input image figure;imshow( input_image1 );title('Input Image1'); figure;imshow( input_image2 );title('Input Image2'); % Display output image figure; imshow(hist_stretch_cvip(difference1,0,1,0,0));title('Output Image1'); figure; imshow(hist_stretch_cvip(difference2,0,1,0,0));title('Output Image2');

Author: Lakshmi Gorantla, July 2017
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E Umbaugh
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