least_squares_filter_cvip() - performs the least squares restoration filter.



Y = least_squares_filter_cvip(d,h,cutoff,limitGain,p,gamma)

Input Parameters include:

OutputParameter include :


This function implements the Least Squares restoration filter on a degraded image to restore it to its original state. The filter is an alternate to the practical weiner filter as it replaces the power spectrum in the weiner filter with a function that varies with frquency. This function implements the filter by multipying it to the fourier transform of the degraded image and then applying inverse fourier transform to obtain the restored image.


1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.


% Read Image

 d = imread('Butterfly.gaussian.tif');

% Cuttoff frequency

 cutoff = 32;

% limitgain

 limitGain = 10;

% Degradation function

 h = [2.250 4.500 2.250; 4.500 9.001 4.500; 2.250 4.500 2.250];

% Gamma

 gamma = 0.5;

% Smoothness criteria

 p = 1;

% Calling function

 Y =least_squares_filter_cvip(d,h,cutoff,limitGain,p,gamma);

% Display input image

 figure;imshow(d);title('Degraded Image');

% Display output image

 figure;imshow(remap_cvip(Y));title('Output Image');


Author: Mehrdad Alvandipour, october 2016
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