morph_thinning_cvip() - Morphological thinning of a binary image.



[outImage] = morph_thinning_cvip(inImage, thinningFilt)

Input Parameters include :

Output Parameter includes:


The function performs morphological thinning operation on a binary image. If input image is a color or gray-scale image, binary thresholding is performed before the thinning operation. The thinning filter is a structuring element containing 0's, 1's and NaN's or "don't care". Don't care element is represented by NaN value in this case. And, don't care elements in the structuring element match with either 0s or 1s.


1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.


Read image

 I = imread('Shapes.bmp');

% Call function using default parameters

  O1 = morph_thinning_cvip(I);      %Square kernel with size 3

% Call function using user specified parameters

 kernel = [0 0 nan; 0 1 1; nan 1 1];

 O2 = morph_thinning_cvip(I,kernel);

% Display input image

 figure;imshow(I);title('Input image');

% Display output image

 figure;imshow(O1,[]);title('Output image using default parameters');

 figure;imshow(O2,[]);title('Output image user-specified parameters');


Author: Norsang Lama, June 2017
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