parametric_wiener_filter_cvip() - performs the parameter Wiener restoration filter.
Y = parametric_wiener_filter_cvip(d,h,cutoff,limitGain,noiseImage,originalImage,gamma)
Input Parameter includes:
- d - The degraded image. A single or multiband image.
- h - The degradation function. It can be single band.
- cutoff - Cutoff frequency for filtering.
- limitGain - Sets the maximum gain using the DC value as a baseline. limitGain=1 --> DC value is the maximum gain. limitGain>1 --> DC_value*limitGain is the maximum gain.
- noiseImage - The noise image. It can be single band.
- originalImage - The original image. A single or multiband image. The number of bands should match with the input 'd'.
- gamma - 'gamma' in the generalized restorationequation.
Output Parameter includes :
- Y - The output image after restoration filtering.
This function performs the parametric wiener filter operation on a degraded image to restore it back to its original image. The function applies the filter to the fourier spectrum of the degraded image and obtains the restored image by taking the inverse fourier transform of the resultant image.
1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.
%original image d = imread('butterfly.gaussian.tif'); % degraded image noiseImage = imread('butterfly.gaussian.tif'); % noise image cutoff =32; gamma = 0.5; originalImage = imread('Butterfly.tif'); limitGain = 10; h = [ 2.50 4.500 2.250 :4.500 9.001 4.500 : 2.250 4.500 2.250]; % degradation function. figure;imshow(originalImage);title('Input Image'); figure;imshow(d);title('Input Degraded Image'); figure;imshow(noiseImage);title('Input noise Image'); Y = parametric_wiener_filter_cvip(d,h,cutoff,limitGain,noiseImage,originalImage,gamma); figure;imshow(remap_cvip(Y));title('Output Image');
ans = 0.0050 ans = 0.0050 ans = 0.0082

Author: Mehrdad Alvandipour, june ,2017
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E Umbaugh
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