shen_castan_ed_cvip() - performs Shen- Casten edge detection.



[ after_hysteresis, edge_mag_suppressed,  before_suppression] = shen_castan_ed_cvip( input_image, a00 , low_thresh, high_thresh)

Input Parameters include:

Output parameters include:


This function performs the Shen-Casten edge detection operation on an input image. The Shen-Casten algorithm is similar to that of Canny's algorithm. The algorithm uses an optimum filter called infinite symmetric exponential filter to find the precise locations of the edge pixels.


1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.


% Read image

 input = imread('butterfly.tif');

% Smoothing factor

  a00 = .9;

% Low threshold

  low_thresh = 1;

% High threshold

  high_thresh = 4;

% Calling function

 [ after_hysteresis, edge_mag_suppressed,  before_suppression] = ...
      shen_castan_ed_cvip( input, a00  , low_thresh, high_thresh);

% Display input image

 figure;imshow(input);title('Input image');

% Display output image

 figure; imshow(hist_stretch_cvip(before_suppression,0,1,0,0));title('Output image before supression');

 figure; imshow(hist_stretch_cvip(edge_mag_suppressed,0,1,0,0));title('Output edge magnitude supressed');

 figure; imshow(after_hysteresis,[]);title('Output image after hysteresis');


Author:Mehrdad Alvandipour, July 2017
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