shrink_cvip() - Shrinks an image by a given factor.
outImage = shrink_cvip( inImage, factor)
Input Parameters include:
- inImage - 1-band input image of MxN size or 3-band input image of MxNx3 size. The input image can be of uint8 or uint16 or double class.
- factor - Reduction factor (0.1 - 1.0). (0.5 | default)
Output Parameter includes :
- outImage - Shrink image.
This function reduces the size of the input image by a given factor. The reductions will be performed by same factor in both horizontal and vertical directions. The scaling factor must be in between 0.1 and 1.0.
1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.
% Read image I = imread('butterfly.tif'); % Calling function with default parameters O1 = shrink_cvip(I); % Calling function with user specified parameters O2 = shrink_cvip(I,0.7); % Display input image figure;imshow(I);title('Input Image'); % Display Output image figure; imshow(hist_stretch_cvip(O1,0,1,0,0));title('Output Image with default parameters'); figure; imshow(hist_stretch_cvip(O2,0,1,0,0));title('Output Image with user specified parameters');

Author: Norsang Lama, June 2017
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E Umbaugh
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