threshold_cvip() - Performs binary thresholding of an image.
outImage = threshold_cvip(inImage, threshval)
Input Parameter include :
- inImage - 1-band input image of MxN size or 3-band input image of MxNx3 size. The input image can be of uint8 or uint16 or double class.
- threshval - Threshold value.
Output Parameter include :
- outImage - Binary thresholded image of uint8 class.
This function performs the binary thresholding of an image. The user has option to define threshold value or use the default threshold value. The default threshold value is the average of minimum and maximum gray level of the image. The class of output image will be uint8.
1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.
% Read image I = imread('butterfly.tif'); % Call function O1 = threshold_cvip(I); %default threshold value O2 = threshold_cvip(I,200); %user defined threshold value % Display input image figure;imshow(I);title('Input image'); % Display output image figure;imshow(O1,[]);title('Output image with default parameters'); figure;imshow(O2,[]);title('Output image with user defined parameters');

Author: Norsang Lama, March 2017
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E Umbaugh
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