MATLAB CVIP Toolbox Functions

Conversion of Image Files
In this category are some of the functions found in the CVIPtools Conversion library. Included are functions to perform gray code conversion, half-toning or dithering, and functions to allow for the conversion of the MATLAB processed images into the vipm file format. Typically, in MATLAB, we use the existing image read/write functions for standard image file formats. The vipm file format (Visualization in Image Processing MATLAB) is similar to the vip format in CVIPtools, which was created to handle any data types and formats. This allows us to save image spectra and any processed images without losing any information. Details of the vipm file format are in Section 11.2.5.- bin2graycode_cvip - converts natural binary code to gray code
- graycode2bin_cvip - converts gray code to natural binary
- halftone_cvip - convert image to binary with halftone technique
- vipmread_cvip - read a CVIPtools vipm image file into MATLAB
- vipmwrite_cvip - write a CVIPtools vipm image file to disk